For Sale !!!


To learn more about La Campesina please type on google: who founded La Campesina?

One of the google results will be from Wikipedia which gives detailed information on La Campesina.

The following information is provided for educational purposes:
    The BIGGEST AND MOST POPULAR Hispanic Radio Station in the UNITED STATES is called "La Campesina"  It advertises itself to millions of radio listeners as “La Campesina” on a DAILY basis!!! La Campesina radio station comprises a nine-station network of radio stations. The radio station La Campesina was founded by civil rights icon and labor leader Cesar Chavez and it has become an effective and trusted messenger to the Hispanic community in the United States. Spanish speaking listeners throughout the world religiously stream La Campesina's daily programming online.

    The domain name has no legal association with the radio station or to Cesar Chavez but it enjoys and indirectly benefits of free advertisement thanks to the radio broadcasters who on a daily basis advertise the radio station as La Campesina.  The name "La Campesina" has become so popular throughout the world because Hispanic people associate the name to Cesar Chavez who founded the radio station and specifically called it "La Campesina" ( with the article "La" in front of Campesina ).  To call the radio station just "Campesina" would be historically wrong and disparage the name of Cesar Chavez who viewed the creation of La Campesina radio station as one of his greatest accomplishments. Furthermore, Hispanics, who by the way have an excellent command of Spanish grammar, would know there is a huge difference between "La Campesina" and "Campesina" 

    In honoring the memory of Cesar Chavez the President of the United States Joseph Biden placed a copper bust sculpture of Cesar Chavez in the Oval Office which also displays the portraits of past United States Presidents.  As a young man Cesar Chavez visited many places while addressing the injustices against the farm workers, some of those places have now become historical monuments.  A lot of cities in the United States celebrate Cesar Chavez Day and have named schools, major streets, scholarships, etc in his name to honor him. There is no doubt that in due time the name "La Campesina" will be priceless ( and therefore the domain name ) and will be given a special designation here in the United States. 

La Campesina means in Spanish: a female farm laborer / female that works on the fields / female peasant / female farm worker. All of these definitions are symbolic to Hispanics. People from throughout Latin America identify with La Campesina for most of them had ancestors that worked on the fields.  For  Hispanics in the United States La Campesina is a highly recognizable symbol for hope and determination.

This premium domain name is excellent to label a product or service for it already enjoys international recognition. Can you imagine naming a bottle of fine wine La Campesina!!! or building your own company webpage with this domain name. Statistical internet data shows that thousands of people use internet search engines to look up "" !!!!  Having this internationally recognized domain name -and the free advertising it gets daily- will facilitate businesses entering the Hispanic market in the United States while at the same time saving hundreds of thousands of dollars because of free advertisment. 

As a bonus to the highest bidder I will also include for free the following domain extensions which I have registered:





                   is being advertised on eBay. If you are interested in buying this premium domain go to eBay, on the search tab type: then bid on it. It takes 3 days to transfer the domain name to the winning bidder.